
When it comes to getting a career started it is very important to know the right people. Doing more than one internship can help you with networking because it will help you gain more knowledge in your field and it will give you good contacts who currently work in the field. Every college student wants to have a good reference whether it is from a recent job or internship because someone will need to vouch for your professional skills.

A future employer will contact your previous internship supervisors or contacts in order to guarantee that you have the skills to qualify for the job. Always nurture the relationship with your internship adviser because they are the people who can help you get your foot in the door at a certain company or even put your name out to other employers.

Networking can be done through the internet as well. With the internet being the main hub of our society these days it is very easy to use social networking sites to get your name out. Linkedin, facebook, twitter, and blogging websites can all prove helpful when it comes to having your name get out into the world. If you have website or professional online portfolio never forget to post it on these sites because you never know who may find you and click on it.

They say that the best jobs come from word of mouth. Well, you must get your name and skills out these in order to have your name circulate amongst people. Contact recent graduates from your college, get advice from alumni, tweet someone within your field on twitter, email someone from a large market station. Regardless of whether you get a response back or not, it is always worth a shot.

With graduation looming over my head, I have begun to contact recent graduates, get my letters of recommendations in line and contact past internship advisers. So far I have been able to apply to several jobs knowing that i have good references and good contacts to back me up on my skills. It is necessary to be confident in yourself and also confident in what people will say about your professional skills.

Stay on the ball, a job is not going to simply drop into your hands one day. It takes work, dedication and a lot of talking. So get out there and use every resource you could possibly find, who knows what kind of opportunities could come up. GOOD LUCK! and get talking!

 - Alycia

The key to assuring all the hard work put into each of those bulleted items on your résumé is put to use and not lost in translation is networking! This skill is something that can and should be used in both your professional and personal life. In today’s day and age, there is absolutely no reason for you to not be able to be in contact with potential employers and well as past acquaintances, as you never know where one relationship may lead in the future. Keeping in touch is critical.

Networking incorporates social media as well as face-to-face courtesy. As I mentioned in ‘Interview Tips’ upon the conclusion of any interview you want to be sure to not only thank your interviewer in person for their time, but it is also highly regarded to send a follow-up thank you note. It is also important to maintain a good relationship with potential employers even if you do not pursue a job offer with them. Having that person can lead to further connections in the future and potentially a reference someday. Also with regard to interviewing, it is often very helpful to coordinate informational interviews, which can display not only your dedication, but also can get your name in with a company for future recognition.

Penny Loretto with explains that networking is a life-long commitment. Her first major pointer is to compile a list of contacts. These individuals can be categorized by colleagues, employers, and even mentors. It is also helpful to visit the career planning and placement office at any university, which can help you contact fellow alumni in your field of interest.

Her next big pointer: take action! You should be prepared at any moment in your job search to be able to sell yourself in under a minute. Being able to summarize your goals and accomplishments in a manner that is not just a list, but rather a display of your confidence is truly an art. It is also important to formulate and ask relevant questions of the person you are speaking with.

Career fairs are a great way to meet a lot of people in a short amount of time. One great tool to utilize if you are investing in one of these conferences can be a business card. Interview Angel, Inc. provides 10 tips that will make your card pop out in a pile of hundreds.

            1 .    PUT A PICTURE OF YOURSELF ON THE CARD! This is highly overlooked, but if someone can place a face with your name that will
2.      Have the URL to your personal (PROFESSIONAL) website
3.      List your social networks
4.      Traditional contact information (address, phone, email)
5.      Logo, adds to uniqueness
6.      Tagline, adds to personal branding
7.      Color
8.      Print on both sides
9.      Allow for white space
           10.    No glossy finish

A major tool that is going to sell who you are is your confidence. So go out there, meet new people, and make sure they know who you are!

- Amanda