It is very important to take advice from anyone and everyone you encounter before you graduate. Whether it is a professor, recent graduate, colleague, internship adviser or even your parents. If you ask, almost everyone will be willing to give you even the smallest bit of advice, however; do remember that not everyone has good advice and you do not have to listen to them. Here is some advice I have received along the way.
In regards to preparation for an interview:
1. Minimize the jewelry. Wear one pair of studs, a watch and a necklace.
2. Dress the part. Always wear a suit, pants and suit coat, no skirt. Wear short heels, no stilettos.
3. Remove facial piercings, if you have any, including nose ring.
4. Bring multiple copies of your portfolio.
5. Research the company you are interviewing with prior to the interview. You want to be knowledgeable about the company you would potentially be working for.
6. Wear plain makeup, no dark dramatic colors, you want to appear natural.
7. Have a strong hand shake and shake every persons hand you meet. Also, make eye contact.
8. Have fresh breath, but do not chew gum or have a mint in your mouth during the interview.
9. At the end of the interview always thank them for the opportunity.
In regards to a resume:
1. Before you send it out have it reviewed by several people so that it is perfect.
2. Most important information at the top.
3. Make sure it is up to date.
4. You really want it to express your best qualities.
Other advice in general:
1. Do not get discouraged, only in a perfect world does everyone get a job immediately after graduation.
2. Be confident in yourself and your qualifications.
3. Always act like a professional, you never know who may notice you.
4. If you have a name tag, always wear it on the side that you shake hands with, that way your name is in the direct eye shot of the person shaking your hand.
5. Be informed about social networking sites, it is very important for you to be fully involved with websites that prove you are up on the times. Twitter, facebook, linkedin, ect. These sites are becoming crucial for many businesses.
6. Internship, Internship, Internship. You can never have too much experience.
7. Contact your references sooner than later. You want to have good recommendations in line.
8. Any online portfolio gives employers easy access to your resume, writing samples, demo reel and references.
9. Start applying as soon as you can. On average it takes a recent graduate about 6-12 months before they land their first full time job.
Hope this helps everyone out! I know you may have heard some of this advice before but you can never be too prepared!!! Keep coming back to our site for more helpful information :-) Graduation is coming and soon the panic will set in, it's a big world out there.